Tag Archives: blog

It’s almost time to start seeds…

It’s time to plan the garden!

I’m torn between about 25 different kinds of tomatoes – I think I’ll have to narrow to about 6-8. I’m thinking a currant variety, a couple of cherries, a slicer, a pickler and a paste should be a good start. Any thoughts?

In the meantime, I’m scouring the blogs of friends and fellow gardeners, hoping for inspiration.

One of my favorites with plenty of tips and an experimental mindset not unlike my own is Small Kitchen Garden. Daniel over at SKG has plenty of ideas, suggestions and even a seed giveaway!! Gardening can be an expensive venture if you don’t find economical ways to procure new plants, so I suggest you all hop on the giveaway wagon and maybe you’ll get lucky!

As we get closer to seed starting date (probably in another week and a half or so), I’ll let you know what I’ve decided on. In the meantime, what are YOU planting this spring?